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SBFNH Annual Meeting
SBFNH Annual Meeting

Sat, Mar 25



SBFNH Annual Meeting

Save the date! Voting for the new board and discussion on what comes next for SBFNH

Registration is closed
See other events

Time & Location

Mar 25, 2:00 PM


About the Event

Here is the link:

Below are the names of the nominees and their desired position on the board. If you were a member in 2022 you will be eligible to vote at the March 25th annual meeting.

Nominated are:

Matt Adams  - Co-Leader

Jay Lorah  - Co-Leader

Carly Marquis Henson  - Co-Treasurer

Heather Berube  - Co-Treasurer

Open - Secretary

Ashley Adams -  Board/Communication

Jon Leslie  - Board

Several people have identified themselves as mentors: Steve Forde, Allan & Janice Mistler, Rick DeMark, Joan O’Connor, Cindy Shea, Jess Storey

If you are interested in helping, even in a small way, please join us on March 25 from 2-4pm via Zoom and let us know. Eventually, we will need committee members, volunteers for events and presenters/teachers.

Please RSVP for the March annual meeting on the Events Page. We will post the link to the event just prior to the meeting.

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