Small & Beginner Farmers of New Hampshire announce: Gardening Series - Zoom Events
We are excited to be partnering with UNH Extension to bring you a series of three short gardening workshops. These workshops will help get us started for our 2021 Homestead series.
One of the first and often easiest things to do when starting your farm or homestead is to start a garden and there is no better time than winter to start thinking about your plans.
Our January workshop with UNH's Jeremy Delisle will focus on planning your garden. This one-hour Zoom meeting will focus on planning vegetable and herb gardens, review storage requirements for a variety of crops, and talk briefly about the practice of companion planting while offering a few ways to incorporate this practice into your gardens.
Our February event is hosted by UNH's Emma Erler and will focus on seed starting. Now is the time to order your seeds and get those seeds started. Learn some simple techniques and the basic start-up supplies you'll need to successfully start your garden.
In March we will focus on extending our season with UNH's Becky Sideman. Becky will talk about the use of hoop houses and other ways to keep your garden growing longer.
BONUS! SPICE BLENDING: On March 30th, Teresa Downey from Terra Basics will show us how to blend our own spices and herbs into delicious rubs, dressings and more.
Watch for more workshops coming this spring and summer. Check back to for updates and more listings.
DON'T FORGET...Membership renewals are due this month. Members get special promotions, discounts on bulk buys and access to equipment rentals. Plus, we are working with local sources to offer our members additional discounts.
Have questions or want to volunteer? Please contact Cindy at
Happy Farming!