Tri-County has successful goat workshop
The Tri-County group hosted a Dairy Goat Workshop at Purely Wholesome Farm in Loudon. Participants toured a small dairy goat farm and discussion involved topics from nutrition and health care to breeding, kidding and milking.
A tour of the barn and farm included the main doe barn, pasture and fencing, and milking room. A discussion on milking equipment was included and participants will receive instructions on how to build their own milking machine.
Additional discussion included goat breeds, hoof care, worming and vaccinations. Participants were also allowed to sample fresh raw goat milk and homemade feta and goat cheddar cheeses.
The hosts of the workshop were Dennis Schaefer and Cindy Shea from Purely Wholesome Farm and Allan Mistler of Twillingate Farm.

Check our events page for more upcoming workshops.